Monday, August 10, 2009

YAY! We finally have internet, kind of.

So we have the internet working on one computer, the one that isn't a pc and isn't running vista (ahem). So far our two weeks here in Rumoi have been interesting, funny, and at times, a little frustrating, We REALLY need to learn more japanese, ASAP. At least we have the hiragana, one of the 3 syllabaries, memorized. This means we can sound out written words and then look them up. The kanji is impossible though, and on everything. They are borrowed chinese characters and are hard to remember. At least I have figured out how the washer-dryer, microwave-oven, and the rice cooker work. I'll post a slideshow with some pictures of what we have been up to. We have mostly been cleaning and fixing things around the house. Our yard was a jungle, but I convinced Don to buy a little push-mower for the grass.
This past weekend we went to a town a little south of Rumoi called Mashike and saw beautiful orchards and buildings, but did not get to sample their famous salmon sushi - maybe our next visit. We also witnessed our first festival Saturday night. There were tons of huge lit-up floats, dancers, drummers, and fireworks. We even lit off a few of our own to celebrate. My favorite purchase by far is my bicycle. We each bought a used one for 5,000 yen (about $50) and it has come in very very handy (like when I'm lugging a giant bag of groceries up the giant hill we live on the top of). Wheels are good.
I'll get some photos up soon, but I have to get ready for the big enkai tonight - that's a drinking party. This will be Don's official welcome party and from every story we here from fellow gaijin, there's lots of rowdiness and lots of drinking. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow!

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