Friday, August 14, 2009

To call the Police dial 119.

Yesterday: we were at a nursery buying plants for our house and in walk in three undercover police officers completely out of the blue. They ask for our passports and of course I left mine at home. They take down Chrissy's info and ask if they can come to our house to see my passport. We said sure we live almost two miles away and were planning to hire hire a cab to deliver all the plants we bought, "How 'bout you three coppers take the plants to our house and we will meet you there?" "OK." so we helped them put the plants in their cars and hopped on our bikes. They followed behind us the whole way home. The last three blocks are up a steep hill and we jumped of the bikes and walked up with the cops going one mile an hour behind us. What a wird ass scene that was. Long story short: leaving my passport at home saved us a $20 cab fare. I already have this town wired!!


  1. Great Donald.....I was going to keep this one a secret from Mom!! Now she is going to call me every day and ask me to call you and remind you to carry your passport!! Thanks!!!! I'll save the phone bill for you as a welcome home gift!

  2. for the record, he didn't play it off as cool as that and he didn't call them "coppers." I believe the eloquent sentence was "you take to house?" but his forgetfullness did save us some cash so i can't complain.

  3. Must have been a sight - 2 Americans trying to pedal uphill and being followed by Japanese cops!

  4. they delivered your plants for you? the japanese are so cool! our first day in romania, alex and i crossed the street against the light and two hulking "coppers" screamed at us for five minutes. not very cool at all ...
